最近有很多人的msn暱稱上都有一個這種圖示。 (我哩勒,忘了縮小size了,算了!)

這是由微軟體發起的活動,先決條件是使用msn 8.1版以上,當談話的2方中有1方是在美國註冊msn的人,微軟會依據你們每次談話內容多寡來捐出部份的錢給需要的公益單位,每個代碼所代表的單位不一樣,但是在msn上看到的圖形都是一樣的。

而且微軟體很貼心的為msn user著想,大家絶大部份都習慣在暱稱位置放上自己的名字,所以圖示設計成I'm可以讓你跟自己的原暱稱結合,而不至於很突兀啦。


 代碼  受助單位
 *red+u  American Red Cross
 *bgca  Boys & Girls Clubs of America
 *naf  National AIDS Fund
 *mssoc  National Multiple Sclerosis Society
 *9mil  ninemillion.org
 *sierra  Sierra Club
 *help  StopGlobalWarming.org
 *komen  Susan G. Komen for the Cure
 *unicef   The US fund for UNICEF

如果你正好msn list上有朋友是在美國註冊msn的,不妨在你們的msn上加上I'm吧,談天之餘也可以順手做個公益囉。


i’m is a new initiative from Windows Live™ Messenger. Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. We've set no cap on the amount we'll donate to each organization. The sky's the limit. There's no charge, so join now and put our money where your mouth is.

i’m is about making a difference. Not in a huge expensive way, not in a time-consuming way. But in a simple, effective way.

You won't have to change your conversation to change the conversation. With every instant message you help address the issues you feel most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease, and environmental degradation. It's simple. All you have to do is join and start an instant messaging conversation. We'll handle the donation.

Once you've signed up, every ad you see in your message window contributes to the grand total we send to the causes.

I'm活動官方網站: http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Home/


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